What Is IPAFFS Training? Executive Summary For UK Traders

February 21, 2024
What Is IPAFFS Training? Executive Summary For UK Traders

For UK traders dealing with the import of plants, animals, food, and feed, understanding the Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS) is not just a regulatory requirement; it’s the key to a smooth, cost-efficient operation.

Today, we’ll unravel the significance of IPAFFS and introduce you to the specialised importing and exporting courses available at clearBorder.

Whether you’re a seasoned importer or just stepping into the world of international trade, gaining IPAFFS skills represents a genuine game-changer. So let’s delve into the essentials and explore how IPAFFS training with clearBorder can elevate your import expertise.

IPAFFS Explained

In the post-Brexit landscape, optimising operational efficiency in the import industry involves understanding the intricacies of the Import of Products, Animals, Food, and Feed System (IPAFFS).

The Import of Products, Animals, Food, and Feed System (IPAFFS) is a critical platform for managing the import of products, animals, food, and feed into Great Britain. For UK traders, understanding and effectively utilizing IPAFFS is essential to ensure compliance with border control post (BCP) requirements and to facilitate the smooth entry of goods.

IPAFFS training equips traders with the knowledge to navigate the system efficiently, particularly when dealing with high-risk imports such as live animals, products of animal origin, and plants and plant products. This training is essential for handling the commercial documentation required for these imports and for understanding the necessary health certificates and common health entry documents (CHEDs).

With the discontinuation of the EU’s TRACES system for GB imports from non-EU and non-EEA countries, IPAFFS is now the UK.

IPAFFS is a web-based platform that facilitates the application and issuance of Common Health Entry Documents (CHEDs) for imports from outside the EU and EEA. This dynamic system is the method for notifying GB authorities about the movement of live animals, their products, and germplasm into GB from countries beyond the EU and EEA.

What Happened To TRACES?

In the not-so-distant past, when the UK was part of the EU, the EU’s Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) was the system for validating GB imports from non-EU and non-EEA countries. TRACES served as a platform overseeing (among other things) the intricate movements of live animals, their products, and germplasm.

However, Brexit marked a departure from this system. Outside the EU, the UK lost access to TRACES. Hence the arrival of IPAFFS.

Why Invest In IPAFFS Training?

Investing in IPAFFS training isn’t an expenditure; it’s an investment in the resilience and longevity of your business in international trade. The dividends include operational efficiency, risk mitigation, and ongoing confidence with trade regulations.

Let’s explore why this investment is paramount for businesses engaged in international trade.

Mastery of a Vital System

IPAFFS is the backbone of post-Brexit GB imports from non-EU and non-EEA countries. Training equips your team with the mastery to efficiently navigate this web-based system, ensuring accurate and compliant submissions.

Common Health Entry Documents (CHEDs)

Understanding the intricacies of CHEDs is crucial. IPAFFS training provides your team with the expertise to seamlessly apply for and handle these documents, which are integral to importing goods (POAO), live animals, their products, and germplasm.

Risk Mitigation

Professional training significantly reduces the risk of errors and non-compliance. Mistakes in the importation process can result in delays, financial losses, and reputational damage. Training ensures your team is well-versed in the nuances of IPAFFS, minimising such risks.

Efficient Notifications

The notification process for the movement of live animals and related products demands precision. IPAFFS training enables your team to efficiently communicate with GB authorities, ensuring that all necessary information is accurately relayed.

Adaptability to Changing Regulations

International trade is dynamic, with regulations subject to constant change. IPAFFS training keeps your team ahead of the curve, ensuring they’re well-informed and adaptable to any modifications in import protocols.

Comprehensive Understanding

Beyond the technicalities, training provides a comprehensive understanding of everything involved in importing goods into the UK. From regulatory frameworks to practical application, your team gains insights that go beyond the surface.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Well-trained personnel operate more efficiently; this efficiency translates to time and cost savings. In turn, your business will streamline import processes and allocate resources more strategically.

Confidence in Compliance

Compliance is the cornerstone of your trading reputation. IPAFFS training instils confidence in your team, assuring that they’re well-equipped to meet compliance standards, thereby fostering trust with stakeholders and regulatory bodies.

Streamlining Plant Health Compliance with IPAFFS Training

In the dynamic world of international trade – particularly for traders with a business UK address, who deal with plants and plant products – ensuring compliance with plant health regulations means a more resilient operational strategy. This is where Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS) training becomes a game-changer.

  • Seamless Plant Health Compliance: IPAFFS is designed to facilitate seamless compliance with plant health regulations. From the submission of an accurate customs declaration for plant products, to efficient notifications to relevant authorities; this system ensures that your import operations align with required plant health standards.
  • Efficient Customs Declarations: Precision in customs declarations is crucial when dealing with plant products. IPAFFS offers a user-friendly interface that streamlines the process, reducing the risk of errors and non-compliance.
  • Integration with Plant Health Agency: One of the standout features of IPAFFS is its seamless integration with the Plant Health Agency via the Defra Plant Health Portal. This means that your import notifications concerning plant products are not just digitally efficient but also in total alignment with the regulations set by authorities.
  • Adherence to Specific Rules: IPAFFS training equips your team with the knowledge and skills to navigate specific rules attached to different categories of goods. This includes live animals, animal products, high-risk food, and feed not of animal origin, with a special focus on the nuanced rules governing plant products.
  • Northern Ireland Considerations: For traders operating in Northern Ireland, IPAFFS operates uniformly across the UK, ensuring consistent compliance no matter your business UK address.

Ultimately, IPAFFS training isn’t just about ticking regulatory boxes; it’s about empowering your team with the expertise to efficiently execute international trade involving plant products. It’s an investment in efficiency, accuracy, and, most importantly, the long-term health of your trade operations.

Before You Use IPAFFS

Before you can get started using IPAFFS, it’s crucial to lay the foundation by ensuring you have a Government Gateway account.

  1. Government Gateway Account: Setting up a Government Gateway account is a straightforward procedure that opens the doors to various Defra services, including IPAFFS.
  2. Defra Service Registration: With your Government Gateway account in place, you can register for the Defra service of your choice. (For those already using other Defra services, the registration for IPAFFS can be done by selecting ‘register for more services.’)
  3. Import Agent Considerations: Import agents, acting on behalf of an importer, should register for IPAFFS using their business details. It’s essential not to select ‘intermediaries’ on the ‘Manage account’ screen in the IPAFFS service, as this designation does not apply to IPAFFS users.
  4. Responsibility and Consignment: As an IPAFFS user, you are accountable for your consignment from the time it enters Great Britain until the authorities have completed the necessary checks.

Checking Rules Of Import

Depending on the nature and contents of your shipment, you may be required to notify authorities. Alternatively, there could be extra or supplementary rules that you must adhere to.

Below is a list of the types of goods with specific rules attached:

Import agents and businesses involved in the import of products, animals, food, and feed into Great Britain must be well-versed in using IPAFFS to comply with regulatory standards. This includes the detailed process of submitting import notifications for high-risk products and ensuring all required health certificates and CHEDs are in place.

For imports entering Great Britain from Northern Ireland or other regions, IPAFFS training ensures that traders are aware of specific requirements and procedures, including the use of the feed system within IPAFFS to monitor and report on animal feed imports.

Understanding IPAFFS and its processes helps traders manage their imports more effectively, ensuring compliance and reducing delays at the border. This training is especially important as it covers critical aspects such as the import of products, animals, food, and feed, aligning with UK regulatory standards and facilitating smoother trade operations.

With comprehensive IPAFFS training, UK traders can enhance their operational efficiency, ensure regulatory compliance, and effectively manage the importation process, making it an indispensable tool for businesses involved in the import of high-risk goods. This not only streamlines the import process but also helps maintain the health and safety standards required for products entering Great Britain.

The Final Word on IPAFFS Training

As the successor to the EU’s TRACES system, IPAFFS is, for many traders, the cornerstone of import operations, ensuring compliance, traceability, and efficiency. Here are the key takes on IPAFFS training:

  • IPAFFS training provides a comprehensive understanding of its functionalities, ensuring you can make the most of the system without unnecessary hurdles.
  • It also ensures you understand the intricacies of CHEDs, contributing to compliance and avoiding potential pitfalls.
  • For businesses involved in the import of live animals, their products, and germplasm, IPAFFS means you can manage movements and associated documentation efficiently.

Ultimately, IPAFFS training is the key to unlocking the full potential of the system; ensuring your business operates smoothly, compliantly, and with a competitive edge in the world of UK imports.

If you’d like personalised guidance on streamlining and improving your trade operations, take advantage of our trade consultancy services, or reach out to the team and contact us today.